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The World's Strangest Borders Part 2: Spain


Zbyszek Kieliszek: How Isla Perejil accident can look like?\n-Guys I'm bored.\n-Let's invade empty rock near our mainland.

jamal rifi: Because you are sons of bitches, we will fuck you and invade spain hhh

Xa Ad: War over a damn rock. 😂

Juan Ki: More strangest is gibraltar, England colony in Spanish terrain and both are allies NATO. What about all England colony around the world? Hmmm, too much silence.

anton van niekerk: Are you thick or something…..within 30 seconds, wikki (who are considered fair, and don't take sides) reveal the following\n\nTreaty Of Utrecht, Aticle X;\n\nThe Catholic King does hereby, for himself, his heir and successors yield to the Crown of Great Britain….Gibraltar……to be held and enjoyed…..without exception…. it goes on an on, but the gist is clear enough. Wise up, and display your ignorance elsewhere you stupid fool. Do they not have Google where you live or is there some particular motive for you writing such rubbish ????

medinalba: ole ole ole Adam Hearts of Iron. and thank you. GB they did like always did taken what it was not theirs.(sending pirates and….)

GuerrasInventadasMundiales (Countryballs y más!): Marruecos invade la isla Perejil\nEspaña: DEVUELVEME ESA ROCA O VERÁS TU FIN\nMarruecos: NUNCAAA\nEspaña la recupera\nMarruecos: para si mismo La proxima vez llevaré 13 soldados..

Diego Batista Hernández: Dirán que son saharauis, no marroquíes. ;)

mohamed houari: Diego Batista Hernández \nTu cuando vas al sahara que bandera ves la de España?? O la de polizario?? 😂😂😂

Owneador1337: You can all laugh about the Perejil incident, but the truth is it was an excellent military operation and an admirable feat, and it showed a lot of what the Spanish army was capable of, and why it is one of the most specialized and elite-force-based in the World.\n\n12 enemies. All of them armed and stationed in different points of the rocky island. The Spanish soldiers launched a coordinated attack and took over the island in only a few minutes. \n\nZero kills, zero losses, 12 prisoners. Only one of them was injured on a leg, WHEN HE TRIPPED OVER WHILE TRYING TO RUN AWAY. They were kicked in the ass back to the African mainland, along with a diplomatic complaint that went somewhere along the lines of "please hold back your dogs". If that's not badass as fuck, I don't know what is.\n\nTHUG LIFE!!