Last names or surnames in spanish

Last names or surnames in spanish is Raúl

Sometimes, the 2 surnames could be separated by y (meaning "and"), even though this is less frequent than it was once. The name the husband uses could be Elí Arroyo y López.

What happens if you see names which are a lot longer. Even though it is not done much, a minimum of formally, it’s possible and to include grandparents’ names within the mix.

When the complete name is shortened, normally the second surname name is dropped. For instance, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is frequently known by his country’s press simply as Peña as he is pointed out again.

Things could possibly get a little complicated for Spanish-speaking people residing in places like the U . s . States where it’s not standard to make use of two family names. One choice many make is perfect for all family people to make use of the father’s paternal family name. Also very common would be to hyphenate the 2 names, e.g., Elí Arroyo-López and Teresa García-Ramírez. Couples who’ve been within the U . s . States a lengthy time, especially if they speak British, are more inclined to give their kids the father’s name, following a dominant U.S. pattern. But practices vary.

The concept of an individual receiving two family names grew to become the custom in The country mainly due to Arabic influence.

The custom spread towards the Americas throughout the many years of Spanish Conquest.

Spanish Last Names Using Celebrities as Examples

You can observe how Spanish names are built by searching in the names of countless celebrities born in Spanish-speaking countries. Fathers’ names are listed first:

  • The entire name of singer Shakira is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll. She’s the daughter of William Mebarak Chadid and Nidia del Carmen Ripoll Torrado.
  • The entire name of actress Salma Hayek is Salma Hayek Jiménez. She’s the daughter of Sami Hayek Domínguez and Diana Jiménez Medina.
  • The entire name of actress Penélope Cruz is Penélope Cruz Sánchez. She’s the daughter of Eduardo Cruz and Encarnación Sánchez.
  • The entire name of Cuban President Raúl Castro is Raúl Modesto Castro Ruz. He’s the boy of Ángel Castro Argiz and Lina Ruz González.

Last names or surnames in spanish The entire name of pop

  • The entire name of pop singer Enrique Iglesias is Enrique Iglesias Preysler. He’s the boy of Julio José Iglesias en Cueva and María Isabel Preysler Arrastia.

Last names or surnames in spanish the boy of Julio

Most common last names in Spain [IgeoNews]


kzean Garcia: Whaaattt garcia 

Esteban Garcia: Glazelle Garcia same

kzean Garcia: What??

smalls: Gonzales?


Kawaii Peridot: jayden martinez

IG 16: yes garcia

paralyzedCELLS: Islas?

Adrian Martinez: Martinez

ALberto Martinez: My father explained to me as a young man that the ez at the end of Spanish surnames indicated 'son of' As Mac, Mc, Son (Ericson), O (O'Riely), indicate 'son of' in other ethnic groups.