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Resourse: http://huffingtonpost.com/entry/
The Most Expensive Hotels In The World
Oscar Morales: For one night all I need is a bed, bathroom, TV, free WiFi and free breakfast. \nI don't need a museum, a parking lot, a zoo, a library, an ocean, an airport or 50 other rooms in my hotel room just for a night.
TengHong Tan: Oscar Morales exactly
Suika Ibuki: Perfect places to spend your honeymoon!\n\nif you're bill gates.
Sharar S.A.: +Suika Ibuki Bill Gates doesn't need to stay in luxurious hotels, his own house is enough.
Suika Ibuki: +The Super Gamer It's more about the idea than the worth for rich people.
theMONSTERaddict423: My goal in life is to own one of these ridiculous hotels. And turn it into a home for the needy
AJ GAMING: i wouldn't do that in fact i would own a average hotel for the needy or other wise no one would work which means no one will study/ educated which means people in the later generation wouldn't be as smart and then there would be no one to invent new technology and then everyone would get courrpted and then in another few more years if more people give rich hotels for the needy then ….. just make it into a average hotel….
Shogun Chanell: theMONSTERaddict423 Imagine a house for the poor in the middle of Dubai xD,won't hapen
3ztrellaR: might as well buy a house
Neha Shahid: 😂 so true