Education hierarchy in the country

The country follows a compulsory education rule from age 6 to 16.  Schooling in the united states is funded meaning students don’t need to pay for his or her schooling throughout the compulsory education years.  But parents do need to purchase books, uniforms along with other study materials for his or her children.

When the compulsory schooling is finished, students can choose to continue onto senior high school or choose to attend a vocational school. When a student has finished senior high school,he/she will study further if you take admission in a college. Education in

The country follows a hierarchical system where education levels are clubbed together year wise. This is some good info which supports you realize the training hierarchy in The country better:

education hierarchy in SpainPreschool

Preschool in The country is split into 2 cycles-the very first cycle is perfect for children between -three years whereas the 2nd cycle is perfect for children between 3-6 years.  The very first cycle isn’t for cost free but there are lots of programs that may aid individuals in need of assistance.  The 2nd cycle however isfree for those.  There are manykindergarten or primary schools in The country which offer such schooling yet it’s not compulsory to participate it.

Primary School

Primary school education in The country starts in the age 6 and continues until age 12. This education is compulsory for those and it is split into three cycles of two years each. The very first cycle comes from age 6-7, the 2nd cycle comes from age 8-9 and also the third cycle comes from 10-11 years.

Junior High School

Secondary education in middle schools can also be considered compulsory in The country and usually lasts from 12-16 years old.  Spanish secondary education is split into two cycles that last 24 months each. The training in The country is compulsory only until junior high school.

Senior High School

Senior high school in The country is also referred to as Spanish Baccalaureate. This really is non-compulsory free education featuring its one cycle in 2 academic many is perfect for students of ages 17-18.  Students need to pick subjects of the choice.

Vocational Training/Tertiary Education

The next phase in education includes either vocational training or greater education which too is split into 3 levels that are given the following:

  • Bachelor’s education-college levels are mainly four years lengthy and a few even take 6 years.
  • Master’s education-most publish graduate courses take 24 months to accomplish
  • Doctoral education-this is actually the greatest degree of education in The country

Resourse: country/

Top 10 Countries With Best Education System


De Loy's ape: Finland should be number 1

D. R. Das: It was number one some years back but some East Asian countries went ahead recently. Finland still ranks very high in the world outside the North East Asia zone.

Richard Barber: There is a reason why China is top of world the education table. That reason is because those that enter the universities as tutors are Intellectuals and professors that feel a responsibility to their students and their academic furtherance as they go into society,By not corrupting their minds but allowing the young mind draw it's own conclusion from the world they live in. creating codes of conduct and respect for those around them. In a competitive country where education is the most certain key to being in the work force and innovation is paramount to your security and the lifestyle you wish to lead.\nThis is what America seems to have lost over the years. A slap dash system in it's education program where by the illiteracy rate has be come higher than before in schools, collages and universities in the American inner cities. A lack of educators initiative to teach anything other than politics and hate. Intellectuals and professors teaching anarchy and hatered, people that have never had a life outside a class room. In fact the despondent intellectual unachiever, that have no interest in their students just an easy pay cheque. These people are paid by the state to teach and guide their students, so that they have a fair chance in life to compete in the work force and fore fill their aspirations and dreams. These are the type of people that should be removed from teaching by having a closer inspection on what they are teaching and how. Teacher can only teach if they have the enthusiasm in the subject that they teach. That in turn is picked up by the student. it's the teachers job to capture the imagination of the student, and the students interests and capitalize on that. The same as it is the job of the school, collage, Academy or university to accommodate the\nneeds of the student. You are preparing the student for going out into society and the work force. Not a base ball game.

Taeh: wtf is with the todlers? why not show a normal classroom or show more info then just the names of the country

dukky fuzz: japan is number 1 in shitty porn

Viechivier Volksgeist: Unsurprisingly Japan is here.But where is US, Germany and Sweden? Where are they?

Top Ten: Luka vd Meij school shootings are rare in usa

Fabio Cela: Viechivier Volksgeist your funny


sol olimpo: no basis…. what system was used for rating…?