Vocabulary words for weather in spanish

To help you get began, the list below details some fundamental words that will probably show up inside a conversation concerning the weather.


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  • El sol – The sun's rays
  • Las nubes – The clouds
  • La niebla – The fog
  • La neblina – The mist
  • La lluvia – The rain
  • La llovizna – The drizzle
  • La tormenta – The storm
  • El tornado – The tornado
  • El trueno – The thunder
  • El relámpago – The lightning strike
  • El rayo – The lightning secure
  • El viento – The wind
  • La brisa – The breeze
  • El granizo – The hail
  • El hielo – The ice
  • La nieve – The snow
  • El calor – Heat
  • El frío – The cold
  • La humedad – Humidity
  • La temperatura – The temperature
  • El pronóstico – The forecast

Spanish nouns could be masculine or feminine consider the article to understand which you coping.


  • Soleado – Sunny
  • Despejado – Obvious skies
  • Caluroso – Hot
  • Húmedo – Damp
  • Frío – Cold
  • Fresco – Awesome
  • Nublado – Cloudy
  • Lluvioso – Wet
  • Gris – Grey/Overcast
  • Ventoso – Windy
  • Gélido – Icy, cold
  • Helado – Freezing

Pair these adjectives using the verb estar (to become) to go over the elements, for example:

  • &iquestEstá nublado?
  • No, está despejado


Some climate conditions their very own verbs, for instance:

  • Llover – To rain
  • Lloviznar – To drizzle
  • Diluviar – To pour lower
  • Granizar – To hail
  • Nevar – To snow

Verbs such as these are very special in Spanish, because they are rarely conjugated in anything apart from the 3rd person singular and also the subject isn't specified. Her are a few examples that illustrate that:

  • En invierno llueve mucho – In the winter months it rains a great deal
  • Está lloviznando – It's drizzling
  • Diluvia – It flows lower
  • Mañana nevará – It'll snow tomorrow

In certain other cases, you might want to pair a few of the above nouns and adjectives along with other verbs. Probably the most common verbs used in these instances are estar (employed for adjectives as pointed out above), haber (there's) and hacer (to complete). You can observe a number of individuals for action below:

  • Está caluroso – It's hot
  • Hace calor – It's hot
  • Hay niebla – There's fog

Making small talk

So let us return to that initial situation. What could that conversation in the bus stop or even the elevator seem like? It may be something similar to this:

A: &iexclQué frío!

B: Sí, está helado.

A: &iquestLloverá?

B: No sé, el pronóstico dice que no se espera lluvia, pero está muy húmedo.

A: Sí, y hay muchas nubes grises. Quizás llueva mañana.

B: Puede.

Inside a pretty much literal translation into British, it might seem something similar to this:

A: How cold!

B: Yes, it's freezing.

A: Does it rain?

B: I'm not sure, the forecast states that rain isn't expected, but it is very damp.

A: Yes, and there are plenty of grey clouds. It could rain tomorrow.

B: It may be.

Saying the Temperature in Spanish

On occasions when discussing the elements, you might want to discuss the temperature. If you are surprised at how low temperatures appear whenever you take a look at forecasts for Spanish speaking countries, make certain you use the best scale: Spanish loudspeakers prefer Celsius over F.

Which means that a 30 degree forecast is really quite toasty (86 levels F), while temperatures can certainly get as little as 10 levels (about 50 F) even just in warmer areas.

Based on where you stand, there are a handful of methods to repeat the temperature in Spanish. The most typical ones are utilizing either the verb estar or even the verb hacer. So, whether it's hot in ways something similar to:

  • &iexclQué calor! Estamos a 30 grados.
  • &iexclQué calor! Hace 30 grados.

These two phrases mean:

  • How hot! It's 86 levels.

In certain regions, the verb haber can also be used, the like a chilly day you may hear something similar to:

  • Hay -5 grados, &iexclestá helado! (It's 23 levels, it&acutes freezing!)

Speaking About Weather All over the world

Keep in mind that despite the fact that people affiliate Spanish with tropical countries, Spanish is among the most broadly spoken languages on the planet. Actually, you will find people how to speak spanish everywhere from snowy mountain tops to golden beaches.

Finally, although local variations such as the one in the last section are typical with everyday topics, the expressions in the following paragraphs must have your back in about any Spanish speaking country. Consider new colorful expressions to boost your vocabulary and seem just like a truelocal!

Resourse: http://reference.yourdictionary.com/other-languages/